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Be Prepared Before You Ride
Equipment to have each time you ride:
  • Helmet
  • Water and/or electrolyte drink
  • Spare tube or patch kit & pump
  • Snacks
  • Comfortable clothing that is not too loose to get caught in chain
  • Supportive shoes
  • Cell phone and/or emergency contact info.

Pre Ride:

Educate about group riding, bike maintenance, Nutrition & Hydration, Passing, Safety & emergency protocol

Ride Info should have:

  • Route info
  • Meeting time and place
  • Plot Route-turn x turn with mileage
  • Plan an escape route & best to have a payoff (coffee spot)
  • Plan for bathroom stop
  • Helpful info is Pace, Terrain, Mileage

Pace determines the pace of the group you will ride with. The mph rating is the average speed of the group.
Terrain determines the elevation gain (climbing) of the ride based on a 1 (mostly flat) to 4 (steep/long climbs) scale.
Miles determines the distance of the ride. Don’t choose a ride more than 10 miles longer than you’ve previously ridden.

Categories:    1=Slower 8-10mph    2=Medium 10-12mph     3=med. Fast 12-15mph     4= Very fast 15+mph

Terrain:   1=Mostly Flat     2=Rolling Hills     3=Rolling hills with steep climb    4=Steep Hills, long climb